![オンライン七夕まつり特設ページ / to Online TANABATA Festival](https://starducks.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/unnamed.png)
This is a project that began with super space-time sessions for the good boys and girls who are staying home. However, thanks to Captain Duckling’s ideas and your support, the project has expanded in new directions. Captain Duckling will soon be holding the Online Tanabata Festival on July 7.
The Session Starducks schedule is updated regularly. Please find more information at the Old Town Square.
Captain Duckling and Session Starducks is changing every minutes. Below is the start line of Session Starducks.
Session Starducks is a collective effort that transcends time and space, led by Captain Duckling. It is only available for good kids who stay home!
Session Starducks (SSD) est un collectif qui transcende l’espace et le temps, conduit par la capitaine des poussins, ouvert à tous les poussins qui respectent le confinement.
Die Session Starducks wird von der Kükenkapitänin geleitet. Gemeinsam überwinden wir die Grenzen von Raum und Zeit, indem wir zusammen musizieren. Teilnehmen dürfen alle, die keine „Bad Dogs“ sind, sondern in dieser Zeit brav zu Hause bleiben.
La sessione Starducks sarà guidata dalla capitana dei pulcini e oltrepassa i confini dello spazio e del tempo perché tutti insieme partecipiamo a fare musica. Può partecipare solo chi non è un “Bad Dog” ma chi fa il bravo restando a casa.
Volunteers wanted
Session Starducksはボランティアによって支えられています。特に重要な、
- 世界中のよい子とつながるために、主要な既存ページを他国語に翻訳してくれる人
- 既存ページは変更が激しいので、翻訳のアップデートやチェックをしてくださる方